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Searching for particular 54 bill, longshot

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:12 pm
by Tapdog
I’m searching for the purchaser of a particular 54 bill. I realize it’s a one in a million shot that any one here knows who the purchaser is as I am on west coast, but I’m hoping someone knows some who....
As executor of my fathers estate I’m obligated to investigate all claims.
I have a fellow who says he gave this to my dad on consignment a few weeks ago because my dad had a buyer, little strange because he would usually just buy it, but I can’t find it and this fellow wants his 1500$
I will try to attach photo, it is 54, devil, AA prefix
Low number replacement bill.
Just trying to confirm sale, date of sale and price.
Once again, I know it’s a long shot but worth trying.
Thanks for reading.
57BBE5E8-C559-4FC9-96E2-347163ED3350.jpeg (100.54 KiB) Viewed 3941 times

Re: Searching for particular 54 bill, longshot

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:02 am
by Tapdog
Thanks to anyone who took the time to view this post, my wife Debbie, who I now refer to as Sherlock solved this puzzle.
My mom and my wife and I searched entire store and my parents home with a fine tooth comb looking for this bill for 2 weeks.
I explained to her that he would take no chances with someone else’s property and bill would be in a safe place near him or in one our security safes in some kind of environment that would keep it flat and protected.
She had an AH HA! moment in the middle of the day at work and came home and looked inside my dads ipad cover which was never out of his sight and found the bill inside the rigid cover, I looked in pouch but did not think to peel cover off ipad.

Bill has been returned to its owner, thanks for reading.