Ships, Colonies & Commerce Tokens - Identification Guide
The multiple varieties of the Ships, Colonies & Commerce Tokens (Breton #997) might be hard to identify or remember especially for new collectors. This step-by-step Identification Guide will assist you through the major varieties of this popular token and will help to associate your token with the right variety.
Select the images below corresponding to your token to find out the exact reference numbers it is.
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Mint mark
Is there a Mint Mark on the obverse? If yes, is it a single or a double Mint Mark?
Which Flag is on the obverse?
W & B N.Y.
Is W & B N.Y. is on the obverse?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-1 (Lees 1).
The token is....
The Ships, colonies and commerce tokens is PE-10-2 (Lees 2).
S of Ships position
Is the first S of Ships on reverse is above the O of Commerce or slightly at right?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-3 (Lees 3, BL-24A).
Coinage and medal die axis exist. Planchet and weight varies from thin to thick.
- PE-10-3A1 - 7g to 8g - ↑↑
- PE-10-3A2 - 4g to 5g - ↑↑ or ↑↓
- PE-10-3A3 - 3g to 3.2g - ↑↓
- PE-10-3A4 - 3g to 3.2g - ↑↑
Die Defect
Is there a Die Defect at the left of the flag on obverse?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-4 (Lees 4, BL-24B).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-5 (Lees 5, BL-26). This variety exist as:
- PE-10-5 - Regular strike
- PE-10-5A1 - Thick flan
- PE-10-5A2 - Thin flan
- PE-10-5B - Long ship
Guys from bowsprit
Is there 0 or 2 guys from bowsprit to yard of unfurled spritsail?
Is it a bar ampersand or a round knob ampersand?
How the waves look like?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-9 (Lees 9).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-7 (Lees 7).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-6 (Lees 6).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-8 (Lees 8).
Top Ball
Is the top ball of main-mast is separated?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-10B (Lees 10A).
Is there a flaw below ship at right?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-12 (Lees 12).
Is there 1 or 2 ropes above unfurled mizzen-sail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-11 (Lees 11).
Line from main-mast to flag
Does the line from top of main-mast touches the yard of unfurled mizzen-sail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-10A (Lees 10).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-13 (Lees 13).
Two Guys
Are the two guys meet on bowsprit?
E's of Commerce
Are the two E's of Commerce have their vertical line of the second stroke cut off?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-14 (Lees 14).
Is Ships aligned right or left?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-15 (Lees 15).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-16 (Lees 16) or PE-10-17 (Lees 17). PE-10-16: Top of first S of Ships is doublecut.
E's of Commerce
Are the 0, 1 or both E's of Commerce have their vertical line of the second stroke cut off?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-18 (Lees 18).
I and &
Is there a spike above the ampersand and a double I in Colonies?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-19 (Lees 19).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-20 (Lees 20).
Aligned O of Colonies
Is the 1st O of Colonies is aligned right or left versus 1st M of Commerce?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-21 (Lees 21).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-22 (Lees 22).
Is it a bar ampersand, cut knob or a round knob ampersand?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-25 (Lees 25).
Die Cut
Is there a die-cut on unfurled mizzen-sail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-27 (Lees 27).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-33 (Lees 33).
Is the border on obverse is dotted or toothed?
Gap in ampersand
Is there a gap in the ampersand?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-26 (Lees 26).
Beads size
Are beads in dotted border uniform?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-24 (Lees 24).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-23 (Lees 23).
Die Cut
Is there a die-cut on unfurled mizzen-sail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-32 (Lees 32).
Double S
Is the first S of Ships double?
Serif N
Is the N of Colonies full serif?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-30 (Lees 30).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-31 (Lees 31).
Nicked E
Is the 1st E of Commerce nicked?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-29 (Lees 29).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-28 (Lees 28).
Is it a bar, cut knob, club knob or round knob ampersand?
Extra Line
Is there an extra line to unfurled spritsail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-40 (Lees 40).
I and &
Is there a spike above the ampersand and a double I in Colonies?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-34 (Lees 34).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-35 (Lees 35).
Extra Line
Is there an extra line to unfurled spritsail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-38 (Lees 38).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-39 (Lees 39).
Extra Line
Is there an extra line to unfurled spritsail?
Pointed or blunt ampersand?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-36 (Lees 36). Variety PE-10-36A got small distinct border beads.
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-37 (Lees 37).
Is the yard over sail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-42 (Lees 42).
Pointed or blunt ampersand?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-45 (Lees 45).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-46 (Lees 46).
Is the yard over sail?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-43 or PE-10-44.
- PE-10-43: I of Colonies aligned with R of Commerce at the middle
- PE-10-44: I of Colonies not aligned with R of Commerce at the middle
Are M's in Commerce are even or offset?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-41C (Lees 41a).
↑↑ or ↑↓?
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-41A (Lees 41).
The token variety is...
The Ships, colonies and commerce token variety is: PE-10-41B (Lees 41).
Prices and values
Find the value and more information on each of the Ships, colonies & commerce varieties.
Thanks to Bidou for his help building this guide!